A Picture Guide on How to Use the PANGEA Calculator
1. Find your laboratory results.
To use PANGEA, you need four (4) numbers from your laboratory results.
Some tests might be called different names. Here are some examples:
1. M-spike = monoclonal protein = M-protein
2. Creatinine = Cr
3. Free light chain ratio = FLC ratio = involved over uninvolved ratio
4. Hemoglobin = Hgb
2. Enter your lab date and your age at this appointment.
What is the date that you had your blood drawn for these tests? Enter this in the upper left box.
Some people have their blood drawn across several days. As long as all of your tests were done in the same month, this is okay!
Enter the age you were on this date in the associated box.
3. Enter your laboratory values.
Enter the numbers for each test result in the associated boxes on the left column.
Pay attention to units! If you are in the United States, PANGEA uses the most common units used in hospitals and clinics. Use Google or ask for help if you need to convert your results to the units listed on the Calculator.
4. (optional) Enter your past hemoglobins.
The PANGEA Calculator can use how your hemoglobin changes over time to better predict your progression risk. If you only have one (1) hemoglobin result, you can skip this step!
Check the box that says "Do you have previous measurements?" This will open up a table. Enter the month, year, and number of each hemoglobin result you have. Note that this table only takes the five (5) most recent hemoglobin results.
5. (optional) Enter your bone marrow biopsy.
The PANGEA Calculator works whether you have had a bone marrow biopsy or not. Skip this step if you have not had a bone marrow biopsy done!
If you've had a bone marrow biopsy, enter the percent (%) of plasma cells (PCs) from your core sample. Ask your doctor if you are not sure what this number is!
6. Read your PANGEA results!
The PANGEA Calculator will automatically calculate your results based on what you have entered.
The PANGEA Calculator predicts your chance of progressing from either MGUS or SMM to multiple myeloma in the future.
Remember, the PANGEA Calculator tries its best but is not perfect. Ask your doctor to help you understand your results and what they mean for your clinical care!